Home » Just Floris

Just Floris

door Hester

It is already 4 months ago when Floris joint our pack. Time to look back on those months.

All clichés are true.. Time flew by as if Floris is part of the pack for years. Spoken about time, never we decided so quickly to include a fifth Drenth in our pack.Within a couple of hours the decision has been made and only a week later there he was!

With Floris other master Joost we have big plans for Floris future. Nice career plans as a breeding male an as a gun dog. But or now most important is to grow up to a social and balanced male dog. And Geoff’s pack is working hard on that!

A great pack to grow up in. Three handsome girls and a stable mountain of a male as a leader. You cannot wish for a better (kindergarten)leader than Geoff!

In those past four months Floris became a fantastic clown with his own little character. He is friends with all pack members. Us he like best, but that is not so curious as we are the ones who take care of a filled feeding bowl and all trips of course. It is nice to see he has a special click with each member of the pack. Geoff is not only his pack leader, but also his mirror. He copies Geoff’s behavior resulting in two male dogs who like to kiss a lot. Some sort of crushing love because the complete Drenth Body is used in this charme offensive.

Eva took the role as acting mom. Regularly Floris is being ‘polished’. He likes that a lot by the way, because he specially lies down for this.

Veerle and Bryn are his frolic buddies. Besides Bryn is his partner in crime as well. Those two can create ‘doggy mayhem’ unlike any other.


We can say that Floris is truly at home in our pack. But not only ours. He switches without any effort to another pack if necessary.

Granny Niekes pack for instance or his father Floris Sr and half brother Tigo’s pack. He is OK with it and adapts to the pack rules immediately.

A lovely relaxed and handsome teenage Drenth who we cannot miss for a second anymore!

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