Home » Breeding Geoff X Sjoeke

Breeding Geoff X Sjoeke

door Gijsbert

Geoff x SjoekeSaterday july 5, our Geoff’s (Geof George van de Sebastiaans Hoeve) girlfriend Sjoeke (Sjoeke Lobke van de Veenweide) visited us to mate.

After a brief re-acquaintance Geoff was very interested and they bred for about 16 minutes.

Sunday afternoon the mating was repeated just to be sure. This time the breeding lasted for 31 minutes.


GeoffBecause mating gives such warm feeling to the dog’s Geoff decided the jump in his swimmingpool right after the breeding to cool off a little.
It was a very succesfull breeding. When all goes as we hope the puppies will be born early september 2014 at Kennel Van de Veenweide


If you are interested in a puppy? Please contact Betsy and Kees Duifhuizen: email:

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