Home » Floris has a Party

Floris has a Party

door Hester

A Drentsche Patrijshond is a party in itself. Let alone if you are surrounded with 20 Drenths one afternoon. That is a really big party! Floris and the rest of the pack were invited for a reunion at granny Nienkes pack.
Actually it was the party for Roos and Geoff and their pups but the more Drenths, the more joy. So there were more invited. Floris too.

We already had a few days anticipatory pleasure. How would all puppies be doing? Well puppies …. A couple of tough guys and gorgeous ladies, now over a year old. We looked forward to meet them and their owners again.

It was for our pack a familiar route to the party. About the party itself they had no idea; it was the route to the pack of granny Nienke and that means a party in advance!

A party comes with an invitation. But no it did not say to bring your swimming gear and that we would eat french fries. The location was a party on its own’ The Bergse Beestenboel. What a great location. A large fenced area where is not possible for the dogs to be bored. Large lawns, a forest, opportunities to play on!

For an afternoon Bergse Beestenboel was renamed Bergse Drenth Gang. A total of 20 Drenths and their owners were welcomed by Edwin and Anja. All afternoon you wouldn’t even know your Drent.

They all ran and romped around. And the owners enjoyed themselves. While enjoying a cup of coffee and the famous “flap” opinions and experience on teenage Drenths were exchanged.

And Floris? We have not seen so much of him that afternoon. He entertained himself with his new friends. Occasionally he came to say hi and he was gone again! Needless to say he is wonderfully social. He can adapt to any situation and speaks the language of all dogs.

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