Home » Floris’ Christmas Thoughts

Floris’ Christmas Thoughts

door Hester

A few days before Christmas’s grandfather Henk celebrates his birthday. And that includes a birthday visit where we were expected too. To increase the fun and as it is good for socializing Floris went along with us. Well, Floris is quite a ‘birthday boy’ and always in for a piece of cake. So, upon entering he flawlessly found the table with treats. Luckily, we managed to intercept him on time and with a couple of delicious dog treats and a chunky we diverted his attention from the cake.
Floris loves attention too, so he lay down blocking passage so on entry everyone had to give him a cuddle before they could pass him. After half an hour, the visiting people were no longer interesting, and he went to sleep peacefully. One of the attendees was watching Floris and asked us if it was an old beastie. “He is so quiet and well behaved”. Uhhh … He needs to be 7 months sir. Such a lovely relaxed Floris!

And then it is Christmas 2016. The first Christmas for Floris. What Christmas means and what is celebrated is entirely depriving Floris and the rest of the pack. Peace on earth means nothing to them. It is, after all, always peace in the pack. When there are problems, they are resolved. And they don’t talk about it anymore so to say. May there are no unsolvable problems in a pack than that pack member would be casted out.

Besides Christmas has a religious meaning for many, it is also the feast of gathering with family, loved ones and others that are important. Again, this has no special meaning for a pack. Yet there are others important for Floris. Or rather the other way around; Floris is also important for others. His other owners Joost and Josien.

Because work is very busy  it hasn’t worked out yet to see each other again. So what could be more fun to surprise them just before Christmas with a visit? Perhaps it would also be possible to meet Floris’vader Floris sr. and half-brother Tigo.

To keep the surprise really a secret, the help of Anna and the pack of granny Nienke was needed. Anna had to keep in mind that both of her parents were in the shop at work, and grandma Nienke’s pack had to had to look after the rest of our pack. What a big surprise for Josien and Joost when they saw Floris sitting in front of their shop!

Floris was happy too and got himself hugged immediately. Great to see. Before we would go with Anna to their pack, we still did some shopping in the store of Josien and Joost. Delicious (foreign) cheeses and other delicacies. Really recommended!
What you get from far is tasty. In this case certainly true!

Meeting with Floris father and half-brother Tigo went smoothly.

After exchanging the familiar courtesies, Floris father played with two sons and romped around in the garden. Also in this pack a (temporary) newcomer was accepted without any problems. Peace in the pack. Was it just as easy in the human world. It would reduce a lot of suffering and grief.

On behalf of Floris and the rest of the pack merry Christmas to you all!

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