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Floris and the 150 Drenths…

door Hester

Where Floris had a party last week with about 20 of his kind, this time he was present on a meeting with up to 150 Drenths. It wasn’t a party where you could run or romp around with your buddies; Of course it was a pleasant but also a serious and important gathering.

Floris went along with Geoff to the breeders day of one of the breeds associations. On this day Drentsche Patrijshond litter is assessed by a judge. Nice for all masters to see the brother and sister Drenths of their own Drenth. Important for the breeder to hear and evaluate how their bred Drenths did developpe.

For Geoff three litters had to be judged. Around 25 surrogate brothers and sisters of Floris. Not that he had any knowledge on that. All Drenths are fun to play with but unfortunately for Floris this was not meant to be done. But he could not get bored as other master Joost was there as well and while master Gijsbert was in the ring with Geoff, Floris went with Joost.

Together with master Joost Floris met other breeders, masters and Drenths. Besides Floris was introduced to Misses Offereins. If some knows about Drenths, then she is the one. She is a breed-expert. Very nice to hear she thinks Floris is very handsome.

Floris father, Floris Sr. was there too. He came with master Joost as one of his litters has to be judged as well.

Real half brothers and sisters of Floris. And what is more fun than to watch them as they are in the ring to be judged? 

Floris was very interested to stand beside the ring and watch what was going on inside.

The judge who assessed the litter of Floris Sr. was very charmed about him. But of course, who wouldn’t be charmed of a beautiful wise and older Drenth? The judge said she would love to see more offspring of Floris Sr. Well that was lucky, Floris stood beside the ring. After the official assessment Floris was allowed into the ring to show himself to the judge. She also thought Floris is very handsome. A promise for the future.

After a Breeders- or Offspring-day or even after a dog-show finally happens what our Drenths are waiting for. Off to Mc Donalds together. Not inside the restaurant of course but through the Mc Drive We, but the Drenths too re going to eat some Nuggies (Mc Nuggets). A reward after an important day. And don’t think we can skip for once. The McDonald’s logo is recognized by our pack …

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