Home » Enjoying the first rays of sunshine!

Enjoying the first rays of sunshine!

door Hester

Lovely that sunny spring weather! Now we do go out with the pack, whatever the weather, every single day. But the sun makes it extra fun to go out with the dogs. So we were outside a lot in recent days. Nice hiking but also paddling. The dogs that is.. We keep our boots on for now.

Although the sun is shining and the temperature rises, the water is still cold but that doesn’t bother the dogs at all. Not surprising of course, their undercoat is as good as the best thermal underwear that we know. Especially when we talk abour Floris we can tell he has an excellent undercoat. Even at these temperatures he preferes to lays on a cold floor.

Besides the already known hiking area’s for our pack we took Floris to the ‘Kaapduinse’ forest in Oostvoorne. We haven’t been there for quit a while. Time to rediscover it with Floris. A beautiful piece of nature near the ‘Beverly Hills’ of our island Voorne-Putten.  The only downside for our guy was that it is not allowed to run loose in that area. And  of course, Floris likes best to run free … But hey, his nose also works great as he walks on a leash. And sometimes a little leash training for our teenager does not hurt. Like many teenagers, he forgets selectively what he has learned.

And that nose soon trailed another dog. A handsome young beagle named Wim. No, that’s not a joke. We thought for a moment that his boss was named Wim, but when Wim’s female master shouted “Wim”, the beagle came to her and stopped right next to her. Anyway, What’s in a name … Wim and Floris have toyed lovely for a while. Always good for social contacts!

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