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A Clown in Winter Wonderland

door Hester

Finally we could get Floris acquainted with winter weather. OK, it does not compare to the winter weather is his birth country Sweden, but we cannot complain compared to Dutch Standards.

Moreover, here in the south west of our country we have come off pretty worse compared to other parts of the country. Nevertheless, we could show Floris some snow and frozen ditches.

Floris was not impressed about the snow. It was a nice game to snap at all swirling snowflakes but sniffing whether any other dogs have been in the neighborhood was still more important..

Frozen water was a little bit strange for him. Except that he could not drink it anymore, it was slippery too. He experienced this when he came unexpectedly on a frozen puddle. His lanky teenage body with long legs had to pull out all the stops to stay upright. But he recovered well and went on as if nothing had happened.

It is clear Floris’ undercoat is of much better quality than ours. After walking for an hour we got cold anyway despite we were dressed for the occasion. Floris and the rest did not give a sign of being cold at all.

But if you see the pack romping and enjoying it is worth some cold feet. Floris and Veerle did not hesitate to get into the cold water of a canal. Bunch of die-hards.

A pubescent Floris alias a wonderful clown … 19 blogs are written now about the adventures and experiences of Floris. Written with lots of fun! But it’s nice now to tell you what we are going through with a teenage Drent.

A pubescent Drent also may put some gray in our hair sometimes. Now I do have the age to get gray hair so I do not think I can blame them on Floris. But I think many people understand what I mean. And every teenager covers his adolescence differently. So Floris has ‘gardening and interior styling’ in his teenage package.

To start with the gardening; regularly the soil under the boxwood is excavated. With the result that Mr. F is completely covered with earth and sand. In itself it does not mind as a Drent is Self-cleaning. Only our house is not.

It gets even more exciting when Floris is interfering with the planting. A tree was probably not to his liking, because it was skillfully gnawed. He proudly walked up to me with the stem in his mouth. Floor Uhhh …. Next time please discuss first what should be pruned.

And then the interior styling; Floris has something with cushions. I mean the decorative pillows on the couch. In this he also had a seat at the table. Each cushion which was not to his favor, has been substituted. Lovely such a Drent who understands that his master loves shopping.

Are there any plans to change the garden or the interior? Call Floris. He’ll be happy to help!

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